





InForm Physiotherapy & Pilates

Accelerating Recovery
Tailored Movement & Exercise


Physiotherapy is about preventing, treating and managing a variety of health complaints relating to injury, mobility, and movement. InForm Physiotherapy encompasses a total holistic approach to musculoskeletal care facilitating full body rehabilitation, repair, and mobility.

After taking a full, detailed history of your complaint, and listening to your story, a physiotherapy consultation at InForm involves a thorough assessment of the whole system, analyzing how your body or limb moves, in order to diagnose injury or other medical condition and identify any underlying pathology, muscle weakness, tension and/or joint restriction. A management plan and treatment options are discussed with you, taking into account your own personal goals. The end goal at InForm is always to help you achieve your fullest potential and get you back to living the life you love to live.

Treatment techniques at InForm include, but are not limited to, exercise prescription and progression, loading programmes, joint mobilization and manipulation, soft tissue massage , dry needling, myofascial and trigger point release methods, active and passive stretching, muscle energy techniques and a variety of taping methods.